How To Fix Classroom Education: Get Rid Of It.
Debates about the right way to educate our youth usually focus on the margins—the length of a school day, the right time to start teaching algebra, or the best size of a class. But to German philosopher and author Richard David Precht, such quibbling over details is missing the point. Precht thinks it’s time we rethink even those things that most people agree on, up to and including the need for teachers, classrooms, and homework itself. The model doesn’t simply need updating, he says. It needs to be thrown out and replaced.
Precht, 48, contends that the current educational system doesn’t foster the kind of creativity or original thinking future generations will need to succeed. Young people would be better prepared for the workforce, he says, if there were no grades, no subject-based instruction and, in some cases, no teachers—nothing less than radical reform will do the trick. Credit Suisse recently caught up with Precht to discuss his thought-provoking views on education.
Credit Suisse: What do you think is the primary problem with our current educational system?
Richard David Precht: The gap between what our children are learning in school and what they will need in life is wider than ever before. We insist that children memorize facts and figures, but that’s not the kind of knowledge that lasts. People forget over 90 percent of what they learn in school within a few years of graduation, and we don’t encourage the curiosity, creativity, originality and teamwork skills people need to survive in a complex world. We should cultivate and encourage a child’s intrinsic desire to learn – not destroy it.
CS: How does eliminating grades fit into that?
RDP: A child’s personal development is more important than acquiring a certain body of knowledge over the course of a school year, and that can’t be captured in numbers. For example, I was good at gymnastics as a child. Jumping over a beam was easier for me than for an overweight classmate, so if he managed to do it, his achievement was greater than mine. Grades aren’t very helpful in measuring accomplishments like that. A written evaluation at the end of the school year might be the best approach.
CS: But in the workforce, isn’t it absolute performance that counts, rather than an individual’s personal development or potential?
RDP: I’m not so sure of that. Evaluating an adult’s performance isn’t always easy, either. And there’s a lot more to success than performance. My point is that we need to give children a chance to find out what appeals to them. What do I like to do most? What is easy for me? What is the best way for me to learn?
CS : You have a 10-year-old son. Are you saying there’s nothing specific he should study to maximize his chances of success in the labor market?
RDP: That’s not the right way to look at it. When I finished school in the 1980s, everyone said that engineers and programmers were in demand. At a class reunion years later, a large number of classmates who had chosen those fields were unemployed. Besides, many of tomorrow’s jobs are entirely unknown to us today. So how can a student know which subjects are the “right ones”? Young people should learn what they want to learn.
CS: That sounds very open-minded, but what if your son were to announce that he wanted to be a harpist – or perhaps just a free spirit?
RDP: I would point out that there aren’t very many harpists in the world, and that a fulfilled professional life might be very difficult to achieve. But I wouldn’t stand in his way. I would, however, caution against earning three degrees in the humanities, as I did. I’d suggest he should also learn about economics, law, the natural sciences, or technology.
CS: Why do you object to subject-based instruction?
RDP: After students learn the basics, schools should put much more emphasis on projects. Placing boundaries between subjects impedes learning and stifles curiosity. The real world isn’t divided into subject areas – it’s interdisciplinary..
CS: What would project-based instruction look like?
RDP: In a project focused on the era of Goethe, for example, students would read “Faust” with their German teacher, while their history teacher would explain what was happening in Germany during that period. Their chemistry teacher would tell them about alchemy and conduct experiments using iron and sulfur, and students interested in theater might act out a scene from the play. That kind of approach would help students understand the context and significance of what they are learning.
CS: But isn’t pure knowledge essential for some subjects? It’s hard to argue with the need and benefit of memorizing your multiplication tables.
RDP: You’re right. And that brings me to my next point. You don’t need a classroom to learn mathematics. We now have excellent, exciting learning software that allows each student to master material through play. Traditional classroom instruction doesn’t teach the top students anything they don’t already know, but it’s too difficult for the weakest students. Whole-class instruction is therefore unnecessary in certain subjects and after a certain level.
CS: So what “hard knowledge” should schools impart? What minimal curriculum is required to prepare students for the workplace?
RDP: Students need to be able to communicate confidently through both writing and speaking. They should be able to think abstractly and have an understanding of history, geography and political thought. Basic knowledge of the law and economics is essential, and they should have some practical experience with the arts.
CS: Do you see any use at all for traditional classroom structures?
RDP: A system that may be reasonable for the first four to six years of primary school shouldn’t be set in stone for a child’s entire school career. We need to stop relying on class-based instruction, in which children are grouped by age and forced to learn the same things in exactly the same ways. We know that the more children and adolescents feel part of a community, the more they enjoy learning. The question, though, is whether such communities need to be classes that are defined by age.
CS: If you don’t think classroom instruction is necessary past a certain point, what do you make of studies that show teachers are the critical factor that determines a school’s quality?
RDP: When teachers are involved, they need to be excellent, and most importantly, they need to be good communicators. Today, they focus far too much on didactics and deciding what students should learn. But if you don’t enjoy listening to someone, you won’t learn much from that person. I would hold teacher auditions and hire only candidates who could captivate their students.
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