Men Fantasize About My Body A Lot - Cossy Orjiakor
Talking about who is controversial in Nollywood, Cossy Orjiakor falls among the number. Cossy is hot and she knows it! Flaunting her good and sizable boobs which has been a form of controversy over the years, is also her joy. In this chat, she speaks on growing up, career and controversies surrounding her person amongst other issues. Excerpts…
What have you been up to lately?
Lately, I have been thankful to God for all the things he has done in my life.
What did God do?
Hmmmn, like giving us the opportunity to be alive, having good food on the table and those simple things we always forget to thank Him for.
Did you ever enjoy your childhood?
Yes sure, why not? My parents were okay and they took care of us very well. Growing up was fun and good. I am the eldest of my mother's children so, it meant I had siblings who are looking up to me as a role model. All I can say is that I have the best parents and good siblings too.
If asked to describe yourself, what would you say?
I can't really describe who I am
Because I am a deep person.
What were your parents' reactions when you told them you were going into entertainment?
While growing up, my dad actually bought a grand piano for my mum, so we all played around with it. He has always encouraged me to be true to myself.
But you are barely established in the movie industry, why jump into music?
I have always loved music. My mum had a BSc. In music from the University of Nigeria when I was younger. She used to sing and dress up in cute attires and hand gloves and all. I kind of liked it. So she made me love music.
You haven't been doing a lot of movies these days?
I have been into lots of stuff that have nothing to do with movies. I've been very busy with music and other things.
Okay but why do you ignore negative things people say about you. Don't you care?
I do actually care about what people say about me, but I don't care about what biased people say about me.
Do you think you are always being misunderstood by the media?
No, not really. I'm very down to earth, I don't pretend. I'm as real as they come.
How do you feel when you read or hear false stories about you?
I take them as one of those things. Then if the person peddling the false story is worth it, I reply and clarify things. If the person is not worth it, I ignore it.
Why do you think people, especially ladies lash at you a lot; do you think they envy you?
I don't know why I am the target of everybody. Before now, I used to think that some of the female folks might not like me or get envious of me because of my boobs, but over time I have come to believe that no one has any reason to dislike me because of my body part. Envious ladies don't need to hate me anymore because they can also get themselves large boobs or buy them as it is now being made easy. But w h y some men now decide to use the fact that my boobs are big and I act to tarnish my image is something I don't just understand.
Maybe they say that b e c a u s e t h e y think you're not a good actress so you use that as a cover up
I'm a complete entertainer unlike what many believe. I sing, act and also dance but people would continue to say that I'm not a good actress. All I tell them is that if I'm not a good actress, why are things going well for me? If I'm not as good like they claim, why are people talking and going nuts about something I did nine years ago? Why is it that everyone wants to write about me even when some of these things are false? My music career w o u l d soon become another thing people would talk about because I'm working really hard on it.
You must have laid your hands on a lot of money in the industry.
I live in my house in Lekki with my family. I also have landed property in Abuja and Aba. I have landed property of over N20million, 1.2 hectares of land in Kuje, Abuja, a plot in Maraba and a special plate number jeep, plus loads of other things. It's not like I'm boasting but, I work hard a lot.
There was a time you lamented on twitter that your tenants refused to pay their rent. Have they paid now?
Not yet. I need to go to court to enforce it but I'm grateful to God that I have a house and don't have to go through what they are going through.
I'm even impressed that y o u c o u l d t h ink of owning your own house when many entertainers lavish their money irresponsibly. Did you build those houses or you bought it?
Yeah. Lots of artistes want to impress. They travel a lot and spend their money trying to please others. I'm not the type that travels a lot because the last time I went to South Africa, I stayed in a hotel for months. The expenses I incurred are enough to make life easy. I have this girlfriend. She's yet to complete her house and always cry out for money, yet she travels out of the country three times a year to go and look for money. I really don't know how to make money in Nigeria rather I spend. As per my house, I built it myself. But when I first started, the engineer I employed duped me because he didn't employ good construction companies and he collected the money from me. So I will advise any person who wants to build a house n o t to use engineers. They should rather make out time or send someone they trust to make purchases. I learnt the hard way but God has been good.
So you travelled to South Africa and stayed in a hotel for one month. That was a lot of money you spent there but I'm sure what you went for was worth it
Hmmn. I went there to shoot a video but I didn't get to promote it though. I lost the hard copy of the video but it's okay. I will never travel out except for a job or an all expense trip from a good friend.
What video was that you shot and why didn't you contact the producer to get another copy?
It's a musical video. I shot it in South Africa and it was e v e n aired on Good Morning Africa and Africa Awake. I also lost all the contacts so I couldn't retrieve the video. It was very painful and an experience I don't want to talk about.
You were recently robbed. Tell us about your experience with the robbers
It was a bad day. I was driving along Orile Coker on the 7th of April and I just saw these guys come near my car. They held guns but I don't know if they had bullets in them or were empty. They asked me to wind down but when I refused, they just broke my side glass. Before I knew what was happening, they grabbed my two phones and perfume and fled. I had minor cuts on my arms and legs which I had to go treat at the hospital but I'm fine now.
On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Daily Times Nigeria wrote:
Men Fantasise About My Body A Lot
Talking about who is controversial in Nollywood, Cossy Orjiakor falls among the number. Cossy is hot and she knows it! Flaunting her good and sizable boobs which has been a form of controversy over the years, is also her joy. In this chat, she speaks on growing up, career and controversies surrounding her person amongst other issues. Excerpts…
What have you been up to lately?
Lately, I have been thankful to God for all the things he has done in my life.
What did God do?
Hmmmn, like giving us the opportunity to be alive, having good food on the table and those simple things we always forget to thank Him for.
Did you ever enjoy your childhood?
Yes sure, why not? My parents were okay and they took care of us very well. Growing up was fun and good. I am the eldest of my mother's children so, it meant I had siblings who are looking up to me as a role model. All I can say is that I have the best parents and good siblings too.
If asked to describe yourself, what would you say?
I can't really describe who I am
Because I am a deep person.
What were your parents' reactions when you told them you were going into entertainment?
While growing up, my dad actually bought a grand piano for my mum, so we all played around with it. He has always encouraged me to be true to myself.
But you are barely established in the movie industry, why jump into music?
I have always loved music. My mum had a BSc. In music from the University of Nigeria when I was younger. She used to sing and dress up in cute attires and hand gloves and all. I kind of liked it. So she made me love music.
You haven't been doing a lot of movies these days?
I have been into lots of stuff that have nothing to do with movies. I've been very busy with music and other things.
Okay but why do you ignore negative things people say about you. Don't you care?
I do actually care about what people say about me, but I don't care about what biased people say about me.
Do you think you are a l w a y s being misunderstood by the media?
No, not really. I'm very down to earth, I don't pretend. I'm as real as they come.
How do you feel when you read or hear false stories about you?
I take them as one of those things. Then if the person peddling the false story is worth it, I reply and clarify things. If the person is not worth it, I ignore it.
Why do you t h i n k people, especially ladies lash at you a lot. Do you think they envy you?
I don't know why I am the t a r g e t o f e v e r y b o d y. Before now, I used to think that some of the female folks might not like me or get envious of me because of my boobs, but over time I have come to believe that no one has any reason to dislike me because of my body part. Envious ladies don't need to hate me anymore because they can also get themselves large boobs or buy them as it is now being made easy. But w h y s o m e m e n n o w decide to use the fact that my boobs are big and I act to tarnish my image is something I don't just understand.
Maybe they say that b e c a u s e t h e y t h i n k you're not a good actress so you use that as a cover up
I'm a complete entertainer unlike what many believe. I sing, act and also dance b u t p e o p l e w o u l d continue to say that I'm not a good actress. All I tell them is that if I'm not a good actress, why are things going well for me? If I'm not as good like they claim, why are people talking and going nuts about something I did nine years ago? Why is it that everyone wants to write about me even when some of these things are false? My music career w o u l d s o o n b e c o m e another thing people would talk about because I'm working really hard on it.
You must have laid your hands on a lot of money in the industry.
I live in my house in Lekki with my family. I also have landed property in Abuja and Aba. I have landed p r o p e r t y o f o v e r N20million, 1.2 hectares of land in Kuje, Abuja, a plot in Maraba and a special plate number jeep, plus loads of other things. It's not like I'm boasting but, I work hard a lot.
There was a time you lamented on twitter that your tenants refused to pay their rent. Have they paid now?
Not yet. I need to go to court to enforce it but I'm grateful to God that I have a house and don't have to go through whatthey are going through.
I'm even impressed that y o u c o u l d t h i n k o f owning your own house when many entertainers l a v i s h t h e i r m o n e y irresponsibly. Did you build those houses or you bought it?
Yeah. Lots of artistes want to impress. They travel a lot and spend their money trying to please others. I'm not the type that travels a lot because the last time I went to South Africa, I s t a y e d i n a h o t e l f o r months. The expenses I incurred are enough to make life easy. I have this girlfriend. She's yet to complete her house and always cry out for money, yet she travels out of the country three times a year to go and look for money. I really don't know how to make money in Nigeria rather I spend. As per my house, I built it myself. But when I first started, the engineer I em p l o y e d d u p e d m e because he didn't employ g o o d c o n s t r u c t i o n c o m p a n i e s a n d h e collected the money from me. So I will advise any person who wants to build a h o u s e n o t t o u s e engineers. They should rather make out time or send someone they trust to make purchases. I learnt the hard way but God has been good.
So you travelled to South Africa and stayed in a hotel for one month. That was a lot of money you spent there but I'm sure what you went for was worth it
Hmmn. I went there to shoot a video but I didn't get to promote it though. I lost the hard copy of the video but it's okay. I will never travel out except for a job or an all expense trip from a good friend.
What video was that you shot and why didn't you contact the producer to get another copy?
It's a musical video. I shot it in South Africa and it was e v e n a i r e d o n G o o d Morning Africa and Africa Awake. I also lost all the contacts so I couldn't retrieve the video. It was v e r y p a i n f u l a n d a n experience I don't want to talk about.
Y o u w e r e r e c e n t l y robbed. Tell us about your experience with the robbers
It was a bad day. I was driving along Orile Coker on the 7th of April and I just saw these guys come near my car. They held guns but I don't know if they had bullets in them or were empty. They asked me to wind down but when I refused, they just broke my side glass. Before I knew what was happening, they grabbed my two phones and perfume and fled. I had minor cuts on my arms and legs which I had to go treat at the hospital but I'm fine now.
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